So once again, I'm left to do about 30 posts to get caught up on this blog. My New Year's resolution should be to maintain this on a weekly basis. I say that but we'll see if that happens. From this post all the way back to the middle of November when we were still vacationing in Seattle is all new posts. So... plan on spending some time on this blog is you want to get all caught up.
December 30, 2009
December 29, 2009
Okay, 3 times a charm- Merry 1st Christmas
We left Grandma and Pop Pop's at 3:30 and arrived shortly after 4pm to Ama and Papa John's. We hung for awhile and then started our Christmas. Landon had all the red presents and Bella had all the presents wrapped in blue (very smart Ama). We had a fun time. After, Ama prepared a nice dinner with a delicious pork dish, potatoes, green beans and more. Landon loved the pork. He has eaten like a prince this week. It started with the swordfish from Cat and the Custard on Tuesday, Prime Rib at Auntie Joy's on Thursday and now pork at Ama's. I mean, what 8-month old baby eats such fine dining? Funny thing is he loves it all. He's a great little eater. It's been a wonderful 1st Christmas. That evening we spent the night at Ama's and Papa's. The next day mommy and Kajsa went shopping while daddy, Ama and Papa hung out at the house relaxing. All the festivities were fun and memorable but it sure is tiring partying that many days. It's time to relax as we come off our Christmas high. I always hate when Christmas is over.
Ama and Landon
Merry 1st Christmas (again)
Once we arrived at grandma's she had a lovely brunch spread- egg dish and all. Great Grandpa Speer was there and a little later Eric and Michelle joined us with Madision and Ethan. After our gift opening, Landon and mommy took a (very) short nap before loading back into the car and heading to the next Christmas festivity- Christmas at Ama's and Papa's.
Merry 1st Christmas
By the time midnight mass ended at 1:30, we didn't even get into bed until about 2:30 or 3am. So, needless to say, we already started our Christmas morning pretty tired. We woke up at about 7:45am so we could have our own 1st Christmas as a family. We also need to pack our overnight bags, get ready and get to Grandma and Pop Pop Haven's by 10:30am for Christmas brunch. So, we had a fast family Christmas. Landon helped unwrap his presents from mommy/daddy and Santa. We have our 1st Christmas on video but I'll have to find a way to get some still images from it to put on here.
Christmas Eve at Great Grandma Bergs
From Auntie Joy's place in Irvine we drive over to Great Grandma Bergs and Rosie's house. There we celebrate Christmas with Papa John's whole side of the family. Gratefully the drive from Irvine to La Mirada isn't that bad. We arrived there around 8:30pm and enjoyed our time with that whole side of the family. Its not often we get to see Mark, Maryanne, Justine, Ian, Thomsic's, etc. We wish we got to see these guys more as we always love being with them. Time always flies by way too fast and we again found ourselves coming and going. We were only there to just after 11:00pm before heading to St. Brunos for Midnight Mass with Kirsten, Greg and cousin Bella.
Landon with Rosie

Christmas Eve
Although we said we wouldn't drive all over town for the holidays once we had kids, we did it anyways. We go to one party, leave early, go to the next party, leave early, etc. We did just as much running around this year as ever. Having an 8-month old didn't seem to slow us down like we had hoped. However, we LOVE our dear family and friends and we adore the time we get to spend together. The festivities played on just like always and this year it started with a beatiful Christmas Eve dinner at Auntie Joy's and Matt's.
Joy and Matt prepared a lovely meal, serving the best prime rib I've had (I mean restaurant quality perfection). We took Landon's play yard (the one that has been keeping our Christmas tre child proof) to Auntie's house since it's not exactly kid friendly. Madison and Landon had a great time playing together in the play yard. We had lovely conversations and listened to pretty Christmas music. The only thing missing was Grandma.
Joy's 50th Birthday Dinner
Auntie Joy turned the big 50 on December 17th. Unfortunately we weren't able to be apart of the surprise party her hubby Matt thew since we were in UT. But, on Tuesday, December 22nd, we celebrated this special birthday with her and the whole family at the lovely Cat And The Custard restaurant in La Habra. Landon dined on my swordfish. That little boy will eat anything. Of course I have to break it into tiny pieces but he loved my entree. It was a joyful party (ha ha).
We love you!!!!
Ian's Change of Command Ceremony

On Monday, December 21 our dear friend Ian Scaliatine was being honored down in San Diego with a time-honored tradition in the Navy, a Change of Command Ceremony. This ceremony formally announces to the sailors, crew and assembled company of an instand transfer of total responsibility, authority and accountability from one indivdual to another. Ian took charge of a ship employing an 86-person crew. It was a wonderful ceremony. Afterwards, Ian gave us a tour of the ship. Not many people have an opportunity to tour a US Naval ship. It was so fascinating. A celebratory reception took place at the Scaliatine home after leaving the base. Everything was lovely and we are so proud of Ian. Congrats Lieutenant Commander Scaliatine!!!
Utermohlen Christmas
It's tradition that we celebrate Christmas with the Utermohlen side of the family the Sunday before Christmas. This year it fell on Sunday, December 20th. It's always a nice time getting all the family together. This year was no exception. Thanks to Ama Berg for hosting the party and for all the yummy food that people brought (good artichoke dip Amber and to die for stuffed mushrooms Dierdre).
Cali, Bella and Landon. Of course, everyone wants to play with the same toy.

Christmas in Cedar City, UT
Since Sonje was released from jury duty, we had the good fortune of taking off early to celebrate the Christmas holiday with our Utah family. We left Wednesday, December 16 around 10am to drive up to Cedar City, Utah. It's about a 7 hour drive with a quick stop for lunch. We arrived in Cedar about 6pm (UT time since they are 1 hour ahead). All in all Landon was once again a decent little traveler. It's tough being in a car seat that long, especially when its during day time hours when he would normally be active. Don't kid yourself though, we paid for it though a bit once we got there as his whole schedule was off. Here are some of the memories from our trip.
Proud grandpa. He's sooo happy to have us there and happy to get a bunch of us together to celebrate. Sadly we missed Eric and Michael's clan.
Celebrating Christmas- Saturday, Dec. 19
One of the largest tables you have ever seen.
It's been a big year for the Taggart clan. Within one year's time there has been 6 babies born. It started with Madison Taggart and ended with Kyler Moshier. In this picture though are the four babies that are celebrating their 1st Christmas- Landon, Kollen (just 6.5 weeks younger than Landon), Talia, and Kyler.
Joanna Taggart with 3-month old Talia
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