So tonight we picked up daddy from LAX. He spent a few days in Colorado for AF work. Since it was Landon's bedtime, guess what is the first thing he did when he walked in the door.... lowered Landon's crib. I felt bad that he's been sleeping in such tight quarters the last couple nights so tonight we were going to have him back in his own bed. With the crib lowered, Landon wouldn't be able to reach the edge of the crib and therefore, wouldn't be able to eat away at the wood.
News Flash---- He pulled himself to standing position.
Daddy spent a half hour or more adjusting the crib to the lower setting and literally, within seconds of putting Landon in his lowered crib, in front of our very eyes, Landon pulls himself up to a standing position for the very first time. Okay...if this isn't a clue that I have a determined little boy and I'm going to be in for it, then I don't what is. The little monkey realized he couldn't reach the edge anymore and instantly figured out how to pull himself up onto his feet to stand. No lie............
And... of course, now that he is STANDING in his crib, he's once again at perfect height to nibble at the edge of the wooden crib.
I wish I was.
So... now what? It's almost 10 o'clock at night. We have to come up with a solution and fast. I have a cranky baby wanting to go to bed but we must somehow find a way to cover the edges he can reach so he doesn't chew anymore. With much thought, here's what Sonje came up with. A good quick fix but a little white trash looking. What was once a beautiful wood crib is now this...
Here's our new ghetto crib with sheets tied, safety pinned and wrapped around the crib.
The next day, I was sort of hoping it was a fluke and that he would forget about the whole standing thing. He didn't.... 
1 comment:
Hey Shannon - we had the same problem - although I found out sort of too late. You can buy covers for the edges. I got mine here because you can get custom sizes to fit any crib.
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