September 18, 2009
Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Talia Taggart
September 15, 2009
Spending some time together

September 14, 2009
Feeding the Birds

Grandparents Day!!!!
September 10, 2009
Daddies Day Off
I need to scan his passport pic and include it on here....
(Pre) Labor Day party
Cousin Bella pushing Landon on the swing.
Landon's first swing ride...he liked it.
On Sunday we went to Ama & Papa's house for a (Pre) Labor Day party. Landon was so funny. He's decided he wants to drink water out of a big cup or water bottle just like a big boy. We've given him the bottle/cup before and he even tries to hold it by himself. He gets frustrated that we hold it for him. Okay people...he's 5 months old. Are we in trouble or what? So we were giving him water from the glass and every time we took the glass away, he would throw an absolute fit. It was quit comical. He was so head strong about drinking his water.
September 6, 2009
Pool Day at Monique's
Kana and Landon
Aquarium of the Pacific
On Thursday we met up with friends Kristi, Daniel at Lauren at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. We saw all sorts of cool sea life including sharks, sea horses, dragon seahorses (mommy's favorite), stingrays, eels and much more. It's amazing how many species exist in the big blue ocean. Thanks to Daniel and Kristi for helping mommy and Landon at lunch when Landon had a melt down and wanted to nurse. Mommy had to nurse right there at the table in the Cafe and that is something she's so uncomfortable with. Next time....bottles of pumped milk instead.