October 18, 2009
Awarded Most Adorable
Check out our '09 costumes. Again, its a theme thing. The only one missing from the picture is Bergie- she is the Cheshire Cat. I also have to say I'm rather proud of myself because I had never sewed before, in fact, I really didn't even know how to replace a button. But, I made my own patterns and made Landon's jacket, vest, bow tie, Sonje's bow tie, Bergie's costume, and Sonje's hat. Pretty good for a first-timer huh. Now in looking at this costumes up close you can see I'm a beginner but I didn't care, I was still proud of myself for giving it a try and doing a pretty good job.
October 8, 2009
6 Months Old- ALREADY
It's so hard to believe Landon is 6 months old already. Doesn't seem possible that it has been 6 months since our precious monkey came into this world. You know what they say, "time flies when you are having fun". We'll we are certainly having fun and time is definitely flying- tooooo fast in fact. I wish the clock would slow down, WAY DOWN. I'm enjoying this time with Landon so much and it's only for such a short period of both his life and mine; why does it have to go by so quickly? It's been an amazing ride so far...
- being pregnant one moment: heartburn, daily hiccups, watching my body change, feeling his movements, wondering if its a boy or girl, prenatal yoga, etc.
- the next moment..LABOR. Laboring at home for a few hours before getting to the hospital at 12:30am on April 8th. By 5:30pm I was still in labor so doctors/nurses said we need to prep for a c-section.
- Shy of one hour later I was in surgery and the cries of my baby were heard as Landon was pulled for my incision at 6:22pm.
-To be honest, holding Landon for the first time wasn't exactly as I had envisioned it... I was shaking violently from the anesthesia so I wasn't really able to hold him, I had a big blue "sheet" in front of me as I was still in surgery so Landon was placed more at my neckline and I was trying to look down at him, while I was feeling these uncomfortable pulls, tingles and yanks and I was being stitched up. Not exactly the storybook version to how you imagine having your baby in your arms for the first time.
- Landon whisked to NICU with daddy and myself to recovery- alone.
- Holding him in the NICU after recovery and watching Sonje fall in love with his little boy...amazing!
- Deciding on his name, attempted nursing visits every couple hours down to the NICU, being released on Easter Sunday and coming home to our beautifully decorated house.
- Nursing, pumping, nursing- ouch!
- Feeling "let down" for the first time- ouch again!
- Having Landon sleep on our chests
- REFLUX...and lots of it- along with lots of laundry
- Cooing, smiling, tummy time, vaccinations, name recognition, fake cries and fake coughs, finding his toes, rolling over, giggling, showing interest in toys, etc.
I'd be lying if I didn't say there are some tough times and it can be exhausting but it's also been so unbelievable. Even now.... sometimes I still have a hard time realizing that he's really my baby. It just seems so surreal. He's is so sweet. He has the sweetest personality- so happy, giggly, very social baby with people, loves to play, and even has a sense of humor, loves animals (so he is part me and not Sonje's mini-me), expresses himself, impatient, etc. There's nothing better than watching him sleep, having him smile when he sees me, him caressing my shoulders, arm, chest while he is nursing, his sloppy/slippery kisses, him crying every time I put him in clothes, watching him play with his tongue trying to figure out how to swallow rice cereal, the list goes on.
I feel so lucky to have Landon and to have been gifted with him. He's everything I could have wanted and more.
I love you Landon.
Now stop growing up so fast already........ mommy wants to enjoy all these amazing things for awhile longer. Any way we can make a day 36 hours, a week 11 days, a month 65 days and this stage of our life NOT fly by?
- being pregnant one moment: heartburn, daily hiccups, watching my body change, feeling his movements, wondering if its a boy or girl, prenatal yoga, etc.
- the next moment..LABOR. Laboring at home for a few hours before getting to the hospital at 12:30am on April 8th. By 5:30pm I was still in labor so doctors/nurses said we need to prep for a c-section.
- Shy of one hour later I was in surgery and the cries of my baby were heard as Landon was pulled for my incision at 6:22pm.
-To be honest, holding Landon for the first time wasn't exactly as I had envisioned it... I was shaking violently from the anesthesia so I wasn't really able to hold him, I had a big blue "sheet" in front of me as I was still in surgery so Landon was placed more at my neckline and I was trying to look down at him, while I was feeling these uncomfortable pulls, tingles and yanks and I was being stitched up. Not exactly the storybook version to how you imagine having your baby in your arms for the first time.
- Landon whisked to NICU with daddy and myself to recovery- alone.
- Holding him in the NICU after recovery and watching Sonje fall in love with his little boy...amazing!
- Deciding on his name, attempted nursing visits every couple hours down to the NICU, being released on Easter Sunday and coming home to our beautifully decorated house.
- Nursing, pumping, nursing- ouch!
- Feeling "let down" for the first time- ouch again!
- Having Landon sleep on our chests
- REFLUX...and lots of it- along with lots of laundry
- Cooing, smiling, tummy time, vaccinations, name recognition, fake cries and fake coughs, finding his toes, rolling over, giggling, showing interest in toys, etc.
I'd be lying if I didn't say there are some tough times and it can be exhausting but it's also been so unbelievable. Even now.... sometimes I still have a hard time realizing that he's really my baby. It just seems so surreal. He's is so sweet. He has the sweetest personality- so happy, giggly, very social baby with people, loves to play, and even has a sense of humor, loves animals (so he is part me and not Sonje's mini-me), expresses himself, impatient, etc. There's nothing better than watching him sleep, having him smile when he sees me, him caressing my shoulders, arm, chest while he is nursing, his sloppy/slippery kisses, him crying every time I put him in clothes, watching him play with his tongue trying to figure out how to swallow rice cereal, the list goes on.
I feel so lucky to have Landon and to have been gifted with him. He's everything I could have wanted and more.
I love you Landon.
Now stop growing up so fast already........ mommy wants to enjoy all these amazing things for awhile longer. Any way we can make a day 36 hours, a week 11 days, a month 65 days and this stage of our life NOT fly by?
Passport has arrived
Isn't this hilarious! This passport is good for the next 5 years, which I think is rather comical because given him another month or two and he won't even look like this. Anyways, we're all set for a November trip to Seattle and Vancouver. Have baby will travel... our motto. Let's see how it works for us.
Traveling to AZ for Montano Wedding
On October 3rd we traveled to Arizona for Sonje's cousin, Monica's, wedding. It was the first time Landon flew on a plane. He did a pretty good job coming and going. He fussed for only about 10 minutes or so on the plane before falling asleep. Gratefully too we only had to pay for 1 flight. We were certainly tired though as it was a busy turn-around trip...
On Saturday, we were out of the house by 5:30am, arrived in Phoenix around 9am. Quickly had breakfast, took a short nap, showered and got ready, and off we went. The wedding was at 1:30. Afternoon reception was outdoors, 90-something degrees. We celebrated that night until 12:30am Sunday. We were back at the airport again by 11:30am and landed into LAX around 3:30.
It was wonderful to be with all the family but we were EXHAUSTED!!!
On Saturday, we were out of the house by 5:30am, arrived in Phoenix around 9am. Quickly had breakfast, took a short nap, showered and got ready, and off we went. The wedding was at 1:30. Afternoon reception was outdoors, 90-something degrees. We celebrated that night until 12:30am Sunday. We were back at the airport again by 11:30am and landed into LAX around 3:30.
It was wonderful to be with all the family but we were EXHAUSTED!!!
Hanging Out with Bradley and Jamie
Landon and I hung out with Jamie and Bradley Volbrecht on Thursday, October 1st down in Belmost Shores (Long Beach area). It's not often we get to see them. In fact, the last time we got together, about 7 months ago, I was still pregnant. 
Bradley decided to take a dip in the water. Check out that saggy diaper.

Playing Ball with Daddy and Bergie

Every day when daddy gets home he takes Landon outside to throw the ball to Bergie. Its Bergie's favorite time of the day as she is the biggest ball dog ever. Daddy takes the bat and ball and hits balls to Bergie down the long driveway. Landon gets a kick out of watching Bergie run and play. Since its getting a bit chillier in the evenings, Landon is wearing his bear sweatshirt outfit.
October 7, 2009
Maya's Yo Gabba Gabba Party
Maya Montoya celebrated her 2nd birthday at Pump It Up in Irvine. The theme...Yo Gabba Gabba (something mommy had never heard of before but apparently I'll know about all these kid programs soon).
Landon wearing his first party hat
Kana's 1st Birthday
On Saturday, Sept. 19th Landon went to his first birthday party. His friend Kana McCue turned 1-year. Kana's party was held at a local park in Redondo Beach.
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