We went on our first family vacation to Las Vegas. The purpose of the trip...Taggart family reunion. However, we also got to enjoy Ama, Papa and Aunt Kajsa for a couple days while in Vegas too. We caravaned to Vegas with Ama, Papa and Kajsa on Friday, June 26th. Landon pretty much slept the whole way there. He awoke for a quick feeding in Baker. It wasn't until we were practically pulling into Vegas when we hit bumper to bumper traffic and the little nugget awoke. That night we ate dinner at the Rio Buffet (yum!!!).
The next day we enjoyed spending a day at the pool together. Later in the early evening, Grandma & Grandpa Taggart came into town. They joined us down at the pool for a bit and later we ate at the Cheesecake Factory in Ceasar's with the Berg side of the family too...so nice that we could all be together. Grandma & Grandpa Taggart stayed over in our hotel
room that night; pull-out couch style.
On Sunday we hung out some more at the Hilton pool, said our goodbyes too Ama, Papa and Kajsa, and relocated too the Taggarts' resort. Aunt Kayla, Uncle Austin and cousin Kollen arrived later that night. We got to meet little Kollen...boy is he tiny.
Uncle Chris and Aunt Joanna came into town on Monday night so that was a nice treat. Everyone enjoyed meeting Landon and Landon reciprocated the introduction with smiles. Sonje tried teaching Grandpa Taggart how to play black jack. We had some brief lessons at the resort before heading to South Point Casino to play some $5 tables. Lets just say dad/grandpa didn't have beginners luck and we'll live it at that. I on the other hand made $45 with the $20 I was playing with...yeah!We were bummed to leave on Tuesday June 30th but we had to get daddy back home before he started a new school year the next day (July 1st).
Here's some photos of our fabulous trip!!!!
Casey, Nikki and the kids.... we missed you! Wished you could have flown out from Florida. Monty, Michael and your families.... sorry we couldn't stay through the week to be
with you and your families. Love to you all!

Grandpa Taggart & Grandma Taggart meet Landon for the first time

Family pool fun

Swimming in my cute swim trunks

Cute as can be in his car seat

Us with aunt Kayla, uncle Austin and cousin Kollen.
Both mommies just nursed and we got a kick out of us both wearing our nursing shawls.

New addition, Kollen, to the Armstong Family

Shannon and Landon with Shannon's sister, Kayla, and newphew, Kollen

Family Photo

Cousins Landon & Kollen...just 8 weeks apart

Uncle Chris (Shannon's brother) and Aunt Joanna with Landon.
Looks like Landon could almost be Joanna's baby.
However, their baby girl Rachel is on the way....