October 28, 2008
Rumble in my Tummy
The last few days I've had some tummy rumbles. The book says at this point I might start feeling the baby move and I'm guessing that is what is happening. Very slight movement inside. The book says it's so slight it could be mistaken for gas. hee hee. I'm thinking its my baby moving around in there. Pretty exciting. But... since this is a new experience for me and I'm still a little unsure if what I'm thinking is my baby moving around, I'll have to wait a bit more until I'm 100% positive my tummy rumbles are in fact baby Berg.
A Good Bill of Health
Today was another routine doctor's appointment: weight check, blood pressure testing, hear baby's heart beat, etc. Doc gave us a good bill of health. So far I'm doing good with my weight gain, babies heart sounded good, blood pressure was good and... the doc said my results came back from the sequential screening and those came out good too. Yeah!!!
October 26, 2008
Westrd Groupie in the Making
Saturday night, October 25th, was baby Berg's first Westrd gig- well, sort of. Westrd was back at Joxer's doing their thing. Mommy only stayed for the first set, came home early and crashed. Can't quit handle late night shows these days.
Calpurnia Reynolds is here!
Amber & Mark Reynolds' baby has arrived. It's a Girl!!!! They too wanted to be surprised with the sex of their baby. Calpurnia was born Sunday morning (October 26th), making her and baby Berg second cousins (to Sonje it's his first cousin once removed- aka his cousin Amber's little one).
October 23, 2008
My "other" kids are sooooo excited!
a message from Mr. Berg:
My whole school now knows that I am expecting my first kid. You wouldn't believe how excited they are, especially my 7th and 8th grade girls. I never expected such a reaction, but they are so excited; they talk about it all the time. They went crazy in class when I told them, stayed after class to see pictures and went and told all their friends. They first wanted to know what it was going to be, and when I told them that we were going to keep it a surprise, they were very concerned on how they were going to get clothes for a baby they didn't know the sex of. But they quickly got over that and started "planning" to have a baby shower at school. Shannon is their favorite person right now. They keep asking when Shannon is going to come to school so they can meet her, and made me promise that only the girls will be allowed at their shower. It's been very cute and endearing.
October 21, 2008
More pics of our Little Alien (I mean Angel)

Today I went back to the Magella Medical Group to do more bloodwork and to determine the length of my cervix. To my surprise, Gale, the technician, did another ultrasound so we could have more pictures of our alien-looking angel. She took 3 pictures using their new 4-D ultrasound machine. You can see how mushy the babies head is. Gale said that it's normal since the babies skeleton takes the longest to develop. That's why babies are born with soft spots on their heads. Weird looking but scientifically very interesting. For now, I had a good report. I'll go back in 2 weeks to again be tested. Our bloodwork results should come back in about a week so we'll pray we pass those with flying colors.
October 17, 2008
Daddy's Little Girls...
aren't little anymore. It's official that Kayla (Taggart) Armstrong is also pregnant. She is due June 1st. Between Michelle & Eric's baby Madison that was just born, Casey & Nikki's baby to be born next month, our baby due in April and Kayla & Austin's due in June- that's a heck of a lot of infants for the Taggart side in just 9 months time.
October 13, 2008
My Cousin Madison
Beach Cities Know
That's right... today I told the doctors at the chiropractic office that I'm expecting. They were shocked and excited for Sonje and I.
October 2, 2008
Prenatal Yoga
Well today was mommy's first day with prenatal yoga. The class is every Thursday. Hopefully the class will help mommy stretch and get physically and mentally prepared for my arrival. One of the ladies in the class was almost a week overdo so our class got to "dance out the baby" today. Interesting, yet fun, experience. The class is 6 weeks and we'll see at that point if we will sign up again. In the meantime, Namaste.
The Cat is out of the Bag

For the last several days we've been sending out email announcements and on Tuesday and Wednesday, we mailed our formal announcements to additional family and immediate friends. It's been so amazing getting everyone's reaction. We are so blessed to have so much love and support. It's been so fun to hear, read, whatever, people's reaction to our blessed news. We're so grateful that everyone is excited with us and sharing in our joy!!!! Included is a sample of the formal announcement that was sent.
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