February 27, 2009
Car Seat Safety
Speaking of baby on the way, my doctor said that babies can come, on average, up to 2 weeks early. I don't think my baby will be that early but let's just say he or she DID make their grand appearance 2 weeks early, that means that I could realistically have a baby in just 21 days time. Isn't that a scary thought. I've got a lot to do around this house to get ready if that's the case. Sonje and I are no where near ready for that. So, this weekend we are packing our hospital bags too.
2nd Breastfeeding Class Completed!
On another little note, it was really special last night. Towards the middle of our class one of the dads was getting up from his chair. The teacher asked if he was leaving and he said, yes. At first I thought it was sort of rude from them to leave in the middle but just after I had that thought the teacher asked the man if she can tell the class why they were leaving. The dad said yes. The teacher told us that his wife's water just broke and that they would have their baby within the next 24 hours. It was soooo neat!!! Everyone starting cheering and clapping for this couple. The dad looked like he'd been hit by a truck. He couldn't gather up his things. He was such a mess scrambling to get all their papers, water bottles and such and he kept dropping things. It was so funny. He was totally beside himself. But, it was neat and very touching. Of course, I got teary-eyed. Hearing the teacher say that they would have their baby in 24 hours time or so painted such an amazing picture. Who knows, perhaps that couple has had their baby already.
February 21, 2009
Baby Shower by Grandma Haven & Auntie Joy
February 20, 2009
"Breast is Best"...
February 16, 2009
more moon pics...
Of course we had to stop in the small town of Cambria on our way south. Is our baby a little girl? If so, Cambria is the chosen name for our little one.
While in Cambria, we went to Moonstone Winery. Of course I didn't drink. For me, water and crackers were my treats but I still had fun.
In Paso Robles at Eagle Castle Winery. I was on a mission to collect my marble winery coasters. All we did was drive around to about 9 wineries, stopping only to purchase my coasters. Next trip we'll have to come back to try a few selections.
Summerwood Winery. They even have a goregous little Inn next store. Maybe next time we visit Paso we'll have to stay there. With a baby coming, who knows when that will be...
Babymoon- 33 weeks, forty-something days left
Although I really haven't had cravings during my pregnancy, I think I may be enjoying the taste of chocolate more.
Solvang is a cute Danish town- lots of yummy pastries and every building looks like something out of a movie.
Valentine's Day at the aquarium. We got sucked into a clam shell.
February 11, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day Daddy! (Baby at 32.5 weeks)
Pic 1: Smiling and Pic 2: Face Scrunch