Growing Up Too Fast Already

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

February 11, 2009

Hiccups- poor baby

Our baby has hiccups ALL THE TIME! So much so that I was worried and asked my doctor about it. She said that everything is fine and it can be very normal for some fetuses to get hiccups often. I feel bad for my baby though because it has to be so annoying for him/her since it happens so regularly and lasts for such a long period of time. The doctor told me that hiccups are likely caused from the baby swallowing the amniotic fluid. When I did a little reading about it online it said that mature fetuses hiccup in the womb because their central nervous system is adequately developed in order to allow this to happen...hmmm maybe it's no so bad then. I have to admit though, the feeling can be a little annoying for me too (if I'm allowed to say that). Such a weird sensation. Chances are if our baby hiccups a lot inside the womb, we'll have a hiccuper once the baby arrives.

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