November 24, 2009
Time to Go Home
T.G.I.F. Nov 20
Thursday, November 19
The only thing we actually "scheduled" for this trip was a city tour of Victoria. The rest of the vacation we did all our own sight seeing. However, we thought since we were only in Victoria for a day, we would do a city tour so we could get around to seeing all the tourist sights. This was something we booked before we ever left LA. We had actually booked the tour for yesterday (Wednesday). It was scheduled for 11:00am, just shortly after deboarding the catamaran. However, the tourism company rescheduled the tour to today. The new time to board was 9am. It was a very early morning as we had to get ourselves ready, get Landon ready, eat breakfast and walk to the bus. However, we ran SUPER late and rather than walk to the bus, we RAN, and fast!!! We got to our pickup spot at 8:55. We couldn't believe we had made it. There was a sightseeing bus there but no driver. We waited and then thought, what if we aren't in the right spot. Sure enough, they had changed the pickup location and didn't tell us. The new location was up the next block. So again, we RAN. We were practically there when the bus driver pulled away from the curb. Screaming, yelling and running down the street of Victoria, we tried to get the driver's attention. We had several Victoria residents helping us, running after the bus, trying to get the driver to stop. He didn't. We were left behind. I immediately burst into tears. One of the nice Victoria residents that was also trying to help flag the bus driver, came over to us. She felt so bad for us. It must have looked hilarious watching a crazy women running in the rain with her husband pushing a stroller with their 7-month old baby behind her. Yes, I forgot to mention it was pooring rain. The women used her cell phone to call the tourism company and left a message for us saying she hoped we would get our money returned to us. I couldn't stop crying. It was a rough morning. We wound up going to a little cafe for breakfast and coffee. I had the best tea latte there. After, we visted The Empress Hotel and then walked (in the rain) several blocks up to the castle. Its quite an incredible story behind the castle. Later we had lunch at the cutest cafe with the best food. The small restaurant and the presentation of the food was out of this world. It obviously was a local favorite. We made our way back to our hotel where we hung out for a bit in the lobby so we could get out of the rain and so Landon could crawl around on the floor a bit (yes, that sounds gross but when you have a baby that has been cooped up in a stroller, you look past it). It was now time to leave Victoria. We walked to the harbor one last time and boarded The Clipper. The trip back was super choppy but that wasn't the worst part. Landon threw an absolute fit. To date, this was the worst he's ever acted. He uncontrollably screamed and screamed. I imagine he didn't feel very well like the rest of us. Fortunately for us, we were able to take motion sickness medicine and eat ginger candies. Unforunately for him, he wasn't able to take anything. Poor guy had a REALLY rough time (no pun intended). It was late when we arrived to Seattle. We walked from the seashore to our hotel. Sonje went and picked up lettuce wraps from PF Chang's and we ate in our hotel room. It had been an exhausting day so it was nice to stay indoors and out of the cold.
oh... but something good that happened today and made big news- Landon pulled himself up on his knees to get to his toys sitting on our red luggage.
Daddy trying his hardest to make Landon happy on the catamaran ride. Nothing seemd to work.