Waiting in the lobby- poor baby!

Ugh.... so, on Tuesday (Mar. 2), Landon kept throwing up his food. Mind you, its pretty typical for Landon to throw his food up, so I didn't think to much of it as first. However, throughout the course of the day the food wouldn't settle and he couldn't keep anything down. By that evening, he felt pretty warm. So, we took his temperature and sure enough he registered at 100.3. So... being a nervous nelly mom with a baby that hasn't had anything to eat or drink all day long, I wanted to get him in to see someone. We arrived at the emergency room around 8:45pm. When they took Landon's temperature there he was 103. They had us strip him of his clothes and they gave him infant Tylenol. We waited.... and a little later Landon was getting pretty hungry so they gave us some little chalky pill that would help him keep some food down. It worked. Poor guy though, normally goes to bed about 8:30 so between it being past his bed time and not feeling well, he was so tired. However, we waited, and waited....and waited in the lobby/waiting area till about midnight when they called his name. Well, you would think that that might not sound so bad -8:45 till midnight. It is with a sick 11-month old who is up past bed time. But, it gets better. Once they called us in, that only got us into a bedroom. By 2:15 we STILL had not been seen. I was sooooooooooo ticked. Also, I wouldn't be giving you the complete story if I didn't tell you that our nurse was supposed to give Landon Motrin for his fever at midnight. She forgot about us!!! When she finally remembered and reappeared it was 12:45 and Landon had JUST barely fallen asleep. She makes us wake him up. He NEVER went back to sleep. He screamed!!!!! At 2:30am I had had enough. We left. I couldn't do it anymore. I found a nurse to check his temperature. By then he had kept food down with the little medicine they had given him and his temperature was under control. I figured I would get into my normal pediatricians office in the morning rather than waiting around any longer. I mean 8:45 until 2:30 and NOOOO doctor for an 11-month old. Isn't that nuts!!!! So, I made up the spare trundle bed in his room and slept down there so I could be near him and keep watch over him. I should write a nasty letter to that hospital. We finally got to sleep around 3:30am. About 2 hours later, at 5:45, the alarm went off; it was already time to get up. Can you say sleep deprived?
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