April 27, 2009
April 26, 2009
Uncle Eric and Landon
Trying out the swing
Well, so far, Landon isn't a huge fan of the swing. In his defense, I'm not sure that our swing is working right though since it goes from hardly moving on level 1 to going almost full speed at level 2. Sonje and I need to go back to Babies R Us and maybe exchange it.
Bath Time
Landon isn't a big fan of bathing. He's perfectly happy smelling like his spit-ups, poop and pee. But, every couple days, he has to get a bath whether he likes it or not
(and not being the right word here).
To date his umbilical cord has not fallen off. Crazy huh!
April 23, 2009
When all else fails...
Landon might be a little colicky because sometimes there is NOTHING we can do to settle him. Its only a night thing, usually between the hours of about 9pm-ish and ending around 12:30am (give or take). However, after he's exhausted himself, he eventually finds peace sleeping on daddy's tummy. Mommy is only able to do tummy time after Landon has a full belly otherwise he roots around.
Tummy Time
Most of my time is spent in the rocker
Landon Found His Thumb
He's actually only found his thumb just a handle of times. Our lacation lady and our pediatrician said its too early to give him a pacifier. For now, he pretty much pacifies on mommy. But, every now and then, he happens to get his thumb in his month and when he does, he has his own version of sucking on his thumb and it looks like this...
Peace with SNS
April 18, 2009
Swaddle- the Landon way
A typical Day
...just call me a cow. I feel like I have utters. Its almost impossible to get anything done and the whole "rest when the baby rests" thing.... yay, that only works so well. I'm trying, believe me. But, I really have hardly any downtime with this breastfeeding schedule we have. Not that I'm complaining because I really and truly trust the lactation specialist and know that we are on the right path, but it really is pretty intense and time consuming.
BTW- You know you are married when your legs and feet are incredibly swolen from surgery, you have a flabby belly that just days before housed an 8-lb baby and is now droopy, a huge incision across your abs, sore/cracked nipples and you are hooked up to a breastfeeding monitor, haven't showered, etc and your husband still loves you.
...just call me a cow. I feel like I have utters. Its almost impossible to get anything done and the whole "rest when the baby rests" thing.... yay, that only works so well. I'm trying, believe me. But, I really have hardly any downtime with this breastfeeding schedule we have. Not that I'm complaining because I really and truly trust the lactation specialist and know that we are on the right path, but it really is pretty intense and time consuming.
BTW- You know you are married when your legs and feet are incredibly swolen from surgery, you have a flabby belly that just days before housed an 8-lb baby and is now droopy, a huge incision across your abs, sore/cracked nipples and you are hooked up to a breastfeeding monitor, haven't showered, etc and your husband still loves you.
Breastfeeding Clinic
With under 2 hours of sleep, we headed off to our 9:30am breastfeeding clinic. Although we were so incredibly exhausted, I'm so glad we went. We worked with the lactation specialist and she created a personalized plan for Landon. She also provided us a chance to vent. With tears coming down my face, Suzanne gave me a big hug and said this is all totally normal. We walked out of her clinic feeling grateful to have such an amazing resource, a good plan of action for breastfeeding, and a sense of peace knowing that we weren't the only parents that were overwhelmed and confused.
Our First Night
Ugh.... we are parents now for sure. Our first night was HORRIBLE. Landon cried, screamed, whaled, and the like, from 9pm until 4:15am. There was NOTHING we could do to soothe him. We feed him almost every hour thinking maybe he was hungry. We couldn't get him to stop crying for anything. It was the absolute worst. I was seriously wondering why in the heck I wanted to sign up for this. We were so beside ourselves. It was very discouraging and I honestly thought what in the world did we just do.
Landon finally went to sleep at 4:15 but arose at 5, just 45 minutes later. He went back down for about an hour giving us a total first nights sleep of under 2 hours. All I could think is, "please tell me its not going to be like this every night".
Landon finally went to sleep at 4:15 but arose at 5, just 45 minutes later. He went back down for about an hour giving us a total first nights sleep of under 2 hours. All I could think is, "please tell me its not going to be like this every night".
Easter Hatch
Landon was officially discharged on Easter Sunday. But before his discharge, NICU had to complete all sorts of paperwork.
Additionally, Landon had to take his hospital picture (which is posted here and also on the Torrance Memorial Hospital website). Landon was supposed to take his picture on Saturday but the staff forgot about us. They normally don't take pictures on Sundays but since it was their mistake, they sent a volunteer to the hospital to take Landon's picture anyways. If you are wondering why the collar of his shirt looks wet it's because it is. Just as we were about ready to take this picture, Landon spit up all over his collar...hence the dark wet spot on the right side. Of course that would happen....
Anyways, we ending up having a late discharge and didn't get home till 5:30pm Easter night. Although we spent Easter alone without family, it was nice to come home to an empty, quiet house and just spend time with just the 3 of us- no hospital stuff, no monitors, etc. I've attached his picture for his car ride home.
Anyways, we ending up having a late discharge and didn't get home till 5:30pm Easter night. Although we spent Easter alone without family, it was nice to come home to an empty, quiet house and just spend time with just the 3 of us- no hospital stuff, no monitors, etc. I've attached his picture for his car ride home.
When we drove up to our home, it was cutely decorated by our dear friend Amy. It was such a special surprise and such a warm welcoming home. Thanks Amy Beth!!!
Let's just say that we were officially "welcomed" into parenthood that evening.....
see next post-----
see next post-----
Landon's Hospital Days
While most moms that have just had a c-section have their babies board with them in their own rooms, we had to constantly go back-n-forth to be with our baby. It was so painful getting up and down from my bed to go see him. We were on a strict feeding schedule with the NICU- 12am, 3am, 6am, 9am, 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm...every 3 hours. Just when we were finishing up with one feeding and going to our room, we were back in the NICU yet again. It was so exhausting!!!!
Over the next several days, our little guy was given a clear bill of health and slowly the IVs, hospital reads, etc. started to come off his little body. We kept hospital visitors to just immediate family and that was probably the best decision we made. Not that we didn't want other loved ones or friends around but with just how little time we had to spend with anyone, it would have made it nearly impossible to have visitors. Plus, since Landon was in the NICU, only one person was allowed in at a time, accompanied by either mom or dad. So, when my parents swung by, my mom would come in with me and Sonje would leave. When my dad wanted to visit, my mom would duck out so my dad could have a turn. It made it really hard to have visitors, especially since we were tied to our strict feeding schedule. I don't know how we would've handled additional visitors as we barely got by sharing our NICU time with just parents and siblings.
But, finally our discharge day came....
Over the next several days, our little guy was given a clear bill of health and slowly the IVs, hospital reads, etc. started to come off his little body. We kept hospital visitors to just immediate family and that was probably the best decision we made. Not that we didn't want other loved ones or friends around but with just how little time we had to spend with anyone, it would have made it nearly impossible to have visitors. Plus, since Landon was in the NICU, only one person was allowed in at a time, accompanied by either mom or dad. So, when my parents swung by, my mom would come in with me and Sonje would leave. When my dad wanted to visit, my mom would duck out so my dad could have a turn. It made it really hard to have visitors, especially since we were tied to our strict feeding schedule. I don't know how we would've handled additional visitors as we barely got by sharing our NICU time with just parents and siblings.
But, finally our discharge day came....
April 11, 2009
Deciding on a name
So... now we've got this amazing little boy. What about a name you ask? Good question. Our baby has been born now for more than 12 hours and as we sit in the NICU, we STILL didn't have a boys name. His little NICU sign just said Berg.
If the baby had been a girl our chosen name was Cambria, with the middle name being Florence (or Florencia) after my dear grandma who passed away in January. But for a little boy we had been at a complete loss. Well, that's not entirely true.....
I had several boy names I liked but Sonje didn't click with any of my names. For 9 months I kept an entire list of boy names but none of which Sonje fell in love with. I told him though that unless he came up with some names on his own, eventually we would be picking a boys name off my list. And, that's exactly what happened.
Its Thursday morning, April 9th, and as I said before, we are sitting in the NICU with no boy name. The hospital birth certificate coordinator gave us the paperwork and said when we figure it out, to return the paperwork to her office. I wonder just how many parents gave nameless kids in the hospital. But.... while sitting in the NICU, we had narrowed down the list of names to just a couple. And, from there, its almost like our baby gave us his hame. Whenever our little boy fussed or cried, Sonje and I both felt an inkling to comfort our little baby with the name Landon. It just naturally came to us as the name to soothe or poor baby.
If the baby had been a girl our chosen name was Cambria, with the middle name being Florence (or Florencia) after my dear grandma who passed away in January. But for a little boy we had been at a complete loss. Well, that's not entirely true.....
I had several boy names I liked but Sonje didn't click with any of my names. For 9 months I kept an entire list of boy names but none of which Sonje fell in love with. I told him though that unless he came up with some names on his own, eventually we would be picking a boys name off my list. And, that's exactly what happened.
Its Thursday morning, April 9th, and as I said before, we are sitting in the NICU with no boy name. The hospital birth certificate coordinator gave us the paperwork and said when we figure it out, to return the paperwork to her office. I wonder just how many parents gave nameless kids in the hospital. But.... while sitting in the NICU, we had narrowed down the list of names to just a couple. And, from there, its almost like our baby gave us his hame. Whenever our little boy fussed or cried, Sonje and I both felt an inkling to comfort our little baby with the name Landon. It just naturally came to us as the name to soothe or poor baby.
It's a....
That's right, after a long time waiting (or laboring), we gave birth to an amazing little boy on Wednesday, April 8th at 6:22pm, weighing 8lbs, 19.5 inches long. Not that we were all that surprised because I thought I was having a little boy from day one, but it was still fun to find out the true, end result.
Sonje watched as they pulled the baby from my incision. He got to cut the umbilical cord. I laid on the surgery bed being stitched up.
Unfortunately though our little guy was having oxygen problems and they were also concerned about an infection in the lungs as well since he had pooped while in distress during labor, so he was raced off to the NICU to have tests run, his lungs pumped, x-rays, etc. etc.
Sonje followed our little guy to the NICU while I was sent to the recovery room for a few hours. I had maybe 2 minutes with our baby and was so bummed that I couldn't be with him. I was of course a nervous mom over my baby having to go to the NICU. I was told it wouldn't be until the morning where I could use a wheel chair so for now I was stuck in the hospital bed. They won't allow you to get up after a c-section because of the anthesia....no feeling from waste down. In fact, they told me it wouldn't be until the morning that I could go in to see my baby. Well.... that didn't fly with me. Gratefully I had a nice nurse in the recovery room push to get me in to the NICU to see my son. So, with her help, she wheeled my hospital bed into the NICU so I could have about 10-15 minutes with him that evening.
After, I wastransferred to my postpartum room (#357) to sleep and further recover. Sonje stayed with our baby for much of the first night. By the next morning, he was off oxygen. The NICU was still reviewing his lungs as he had fluid in there- apparently its pretty common for c-section babies to have fluid. Thankfully he didn't have an infection or anything but as a precaution, they put him on IV antibiotics anyways. The next morning I was wheeled into the NICU to see our sweet guy. He's just precious.
D-Day (well, not exactly)
Tuesday evening, April 7th, after a nice dinner at CPK with two of my girlfriends (Heather and JD), I went home and started having contractions. Now, this isn't new since I'd been having the Braxton contractions since week 33 or something but I noticed these were a little stronger so I decided to keep track. Mind you, I was past my due date and I was scheduled to be induced on Thursday morning the 9th, so I figured I might as well time the contractions. I kept track of my contractions using contractionmaster.com. The first contraction I noted in the online log was at 9:51pm. I was hoping to do much of the early laboring at home so I wouldn't have to deal with continuous monitoring at the hospital and what not so I figured as long as my water hasn't broke, I would try to stick it out at home for as long as I could. By about 12:30pm, my contractions were about 3 minutes-ish apart, and lasting for about a minute. Also at the time, I had some blood so Sonje and I decided we should officially make a trip to the hospital to see if "its time". Once we got to the hospital, one of the L&D nurses examined me and said that I was actually only at a 2, but since I was already past my due date that I need to stay to see if my labor progresses. So... unfortunately what I was trying to avoid, happened...I was immediately put on the continuous monitor, in other words, I was stuck in bed. Around 3:30am the nurse came back into the room, re-examined me and at this time I had progressed to 4. I was hoping to avoid getting to the hospital too early so I can avoid being stuck in bed and instead, walk and what not to get the baby down into the canal and have my contractions progress nicely by being up and about but that didn't happen. My body (3 minute apart contractions and the blood) made us feel like we should get to the hospital. Anyways, to continue the story... the nurse came back in around 6am and I hadn't progressed- still at a 4. Around 7:30am my doctor came to the hospital to check on me and STILL I hadn't progressed past 4 so she decided to break my water in hopes that that would get things moving again. By about 10am, the nurse re-examined me and even with my water broker, I STILL hadn't past 4. So, the suggestion was made that since its already been 10 hours since I started my labor contractions, we should start pitocin to keep the labor up a notch. Well, as you well know, pitocin also increases the intensity of labor and I was pretty tired and sore already. Although I was trying to avoid an epidural till later in the process, I was in quite a lot of pain already. So, I took the pitocin at 4/5cm dilated. Awhile later, I had eventually reached a true 5, then later a 5/6, further later a 6, etc. However, in the meantime, the baby was showing signs of stress. I was supposed to be switching off between various sitting/laying positions because of the epidural but the baby was not letting me move off my right side laying position. Every time I moved, the babies heart rate dropped and was in the danger level. So, I was stuck laying on my right side and it went completely numb. The nurse thought that perhaps the babies umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby and that's why I wasn't able to move off my right side. Additionally, the baby wasn't reacting well to the pitocin so I was taken off that as well and the nurse hoped that my contractions and labor would advance further on its own. By about 5pm on Wednesday, I had finally made it to 8cm dilated and 100% effaced but with the baby already stressed, it didn't appear that the baby would be able to withstand labor any further, and certainly couldn't withstand pushing when it came time. So, I was told that I was going to need a c-section. This was the last thing I wanted and in fact, I had been praying for a nice vaginal labor and delivery so I was completely bummed. I cried of course. It was very disappointing, especially after trying to labor for almost 20 hours already. By 5:45pm, I was being prepped for surgery. Just thinking about the whole ordeal makes me cry all over again. It was so disappointing. The only good thing was that at 6:22pm, our baby was born.
- story continues in next blog....
- story continues in next blog....
April 4, 2009
Zero Days to Go
Yeah...that's what the baby ticker says tonight on my blog. However, I could only be so lucky if this baby made his/her debut tonight but its not looking like that's going to happen- nor anytime soon. In fact, on March 25th, my doctor said nothing was happening. Then, she said (for the first time mind you) that she was going to be out of town the whole next week (which is the week I'm due) and that my next appointment with her is April 6th- yes, 2 days after my due date. One more reason to not like this lady. So I figured...
A)- I'd better get walking so Saturday morning, March 28th, I walked with my sister in law, Kirsten, for 6 miles. Obviously nothing happened.
B)- Since I was comfortable about not being seen at all this week being that this was my 39th week of pregnancy, I went in on Thursday, April 2nd (Sonje's birthday btw) to my hospital so they could look at me and they also did an NST. The baby passed the stress test but I'm STILL not dilated AT ALL! The nurse couldn't even squeeze the tip of her finger in my cervix (sorry for the detailed info if you have a weak stomach).
What am I to do? I'm trying all sorts of the natural inducers and nothing is working. This little baby must be so comfy (and stubborn).
Today is my due date but I'm seeing that go by rather quickly. My doctor won't let me go past a week overdue and she won't induce either unless I'm already 3cm dilated. I'm praying that my baby and body get working together here quickly. But to date, I'm completely closed. Ugh!!! Its pretty bad when you actually look forward to the contractions and hope they get stronger and stronger because then you can hope that "its time".
Please baby and come. I want to meet you. Daddy and I are dying here waiting for you. I want to see your cute little butt so bad and put your little naked body to my chest.
A)- I'd better get walking so Saturday morning, March 28th, I walked with my sister in law, Kirsten, for 6 miles. Obviously nothing happened.
B)- Since I was comfortable about not being seen at all this week being that this was my 39th week of pregnancy, I went in on Thursday, April 2nd (Sonje's birthday btw) to my hospital so they could look at me and they also did an NST. The baby passed the stress test but I'm STILL not dilated AT ALL! The nurse couldn't even squeeze the tip of her finger in my cervix (sorry for the detailed info if you have a weak stomach).
What am I to do? I'm trying all sorts of the natural inducers and nothing is working. This little baby must be so comfy (and stubborn).
Today is my due date but I'm seeing that go by rather quickly. My doctor won't let me go past a week overdue and she won't induce either unless I'm already 3cm dilated. I'm praying that my baby and body get working together here quickly. But to date, I'm completely closed. Ugh!!! Its pretty bad when you actually look forward to the contractions and hope they get stronger and stronger because then you can hope that "its time".
Please baby and come. I want to meet you. Daddy and I are dying here waiting for you. I want to see your cute little butt so bad and put your little naked body to my chest.
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