So, although they say to swaddle tight, our little guy has to have at least one arm out and its usually up near his face. No matter how hard we try, he seems to wiggle an arm out. Funny thing is an ultra sound technician told us he would do this. Every time I had an ultrasound taken during my pregnancy, Landon had his hands up by his face. It was often hard to get ultrasound pics because of this. She predicted he would put his hands up by his face after he was born and she was surely right. He feeds with his hands in little fits up next to his checks, sleeps with at least one hand out of the swaddle blanket...it's so cute!!!
What a little handsome sweetheart!! I see both of you in him. awww! so cute!
Yipee!!! A pic! He is sooooo cute! I can't wait to meet him in person!
He is absolutely beautiful! I can hardly wait to meet him! =)
Wow. He is perfect...absolutely precious!
AWWW! His hand looks so big! We never even swaddled Cali outside of the hospital - she would kick the whole blanket off. It didn't matter how tight. But we were lucky - she didn't need the comforting - she was cool.
He is so cute! Congratulations and I can't wait to meet him!
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